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Question: How does the Airence Virtual Keyboard Mapper work?
Answer: please follow the steps at this link


Question: I tried as you suggest me and Zarastudio works as you told. I press the P key and it plays. I press S key and it stops. Trouble is when I open Zarastudio software and click on “mixer” it doesn't recognize the Airence virtual Keyboard Mapper document where I recorded the commands learned that I saved on the AVKM doc I tried several ways but I couldn’t get it working..

Answer: Your Zarastudio doesn't have to recognize the mixer or the keyboard mapper. Just “see” the virtual keyboard mapper as a computer keyboard, when a button on the Airence is programmed with a P in the keyboard mapper the computer receives a P after pressing and will work the same as your keyboard. So with the keyboard mapper running and Zarastudio started when you press this button it will start playing. To program click on the button at the left side of your virtual keyboard mapper and select the action you need like in the picture and see the result at the notepad in the picture after pressing 3 times. (The picture is just an example I made without connecting an Airence. Be sure your virtual keyboard mapper is connected!) When you start notepad you will see that you're typing the P with your keyboard when you press this button. In this way you can program every Airence button to perform a different keyboard action to control your Zarastudio.

airencevkm/start.1544458406.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/10 17:13 by support