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Question: My lyra is tripping on starting up, what can I do about this?
Answer: Link: follow the instructions on this page

check the powersupply has to be between 5,1 and 5,25V ( 5,1 is default)

Measure on the white 3P molexconnector on top of the Core.

Check if the Molex connector- modification is done. From 2004 and later the powersupply is wired directly without connectors to the DIG PCB this to avoid power fluctuations.

It's also possible that the capacitors in the power supply part are getting defective.

These can be renewed if done really carefully and with the right equipment.

It is also possible to send the unit in for a repair and complete firmware update.

Replace the 7 SMD capacitors at the Core pcb and the few smd capacitors at the dig pcb near the large capacitors.

Go back to the Lyra wikipage.

lyratripping/start.1549442289.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/06 09:38 by support