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Question: How can I configure my Studio Remotes in the Axum?
Answer: Link: follow the instructions on this page.

To connect a Studio remote to your Axum you'll have to change the Jumpers on the MicAD card to GPIO instead of GPO settings.

Set the Jumpers to the 1-2 and 4-5 Jumper positions.

Then you can configure the functions of this GPIO's.

In this example the Studio remote will show when the user presses the Cough and Comm button.
An other option can be to show the Redlight connected to the Microphone input.

Setting 1027 - 1034 are the GPI settings and react to the buttons of the Studio Remote.
Setting 1051 - 1058 are the GPO settings and will make the LED's of the Studio Remote go ON.

Support Request


axumstudioremote/start.1591954889.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/12 11:41 by support