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Question: How do I configure Proppfrexx to work with my Webstation or Airlite?
Answer: Link: please follow the steps at this link

At the “GPIO/Remoting” tab you'll have to activate the “Enable GPIO Ext. Service”.
When you press “OK” Proppfrexx will launch the “Proppfrexx GPIO-Client”

The “GPIO client” can also be found at the taskbar.

With the slider in the red square you can connect the “GPIO client”.

For the Airlite and Webstation you'll have to set the “D&R Airlite Control” slider to Online.

At the “D&R Mixer” tab you'll find the connection settings for communication with the Airlite or Webstation Control software.

You'll have to check if the Port numbers in the Purple square for Proppfrexx Send and Webstation Control Receive match.
You'll have to check if the Port numbers in the Green square for Proppfrexx Reiceve and Webstation Control Send match.
With “Enable at Startup” these connections will be restored when you restart Proppfrexx.

When you checked or corrected the port numbers you'll have to restart Proppfrexx.
Be sure to “Allow access” for the “Proppfrexx GPIOClient”.

If you go back to the GPIO Client you can check if the functions of the Webstation or Airlite work when you press Monitor.

Now you can complete the configuration as you desire.

Go back to the Proppfrexx main page

proppfrexxconf2/start.1590760049.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/29 15:47 by support